

Athens, Greece, with its famous Acropolis, has come to symbolize the whole of the country in the popular imagination, and not without cause. It not only has its iconic ruins and the famous port of Piraeus but, thanks to ancient writers, its history is better documented than most other ancient Greek city-states.

More about: Athens


  • c. 7000 BCE - 5000 BCE
    Human habitation on the Acropolis and around the Agora of Athens continues from Neolithic Period.
  • c. 1700 BCE - c. 1100 BCE
    Mycenaean Period. Agora established at Athens.
  • c. 1100 BCE - c. 600 BCE
    Iron Age Development, public buildings erected at the Agora in Athens.
  • 683 BCE - 682 BCE
    List of annual archons at Athens begins.
  • 600 BCE - 550 BCE
    The Dionysia becomes a major Athenian festival in honour of Dionysos.
  • c. 600 BCE
    The Eleusinian Mysteries become part of the official Athenian religious calendar.
  • 600 BCE - 480 BCE
    Attic black-figure pottery dominates the greek ceramic market.
  • 594 BCE - 593 BCE
    In Athens the archon Solon lays the foundations for democracy.
  • c. 560 BCE
    Pisistratos becomes tyrant in Athens for the first time.
  • c. 546 BCE
    Pisistratus lands his Argive mercenary force at Marathon and with victory at Pallene establishes himself once again as tyrant of Athens.
  • c. 540 BCE
    Athens removes and prohibits further burials on Delos to purify the sacred island.
  • 525 BCE
    Cleisthenes is made archon at Athens.
  • c. 524 BCE - c. 460 BCE
    Life of Athenian general and statesman Themistocles.
  • 514 BCE
    Fall of the Peisistratid tyranny in Athens.
  • 514 BCE
    The tyrant of Athens Hipparchos is killed by Harmodios and Aristogeiton - the 'tyrannicides'.
  • c. 508 BCE
    According to Aristotle, the institution of ostracism is introduced in Athens under Cleisthenes.
  • c. 508 BCE
    Reforms by Cleisthenes establishes democracy in Athens.
  • c. 495 BCE
    Birth of Pericles.
  • 493 BCE
    The first fortifications are constructed at Athens' port of Piraeus.
  • 493 BCE
    Themistocles is made archon in Athens.
  • 490 BCE - 480 BCE
    A 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in) tall Iris or Nike sculpture is erected on the Acropolis of Athens in memory of the general Kallimachos, killed in the Battle of Marathon.
  • 490 BCE
    Athens builds a treasury at Delphi following their victory at Marathon against Persia.
  • 11 Sep 490 BCE
    A combined force of Greek hoplites defeat the Persians at Marathon.
  • 487 BCE - 486 BCE
    Archons begin to be appointed by lot in Athens.
  • c. 483 BCE
    Themistocles persuades the Athenians to significantly expand their fleet, which saves them at Salamis and becomes their source of power.
  • 480 BCE
    The fortifications of Piraeus instigated by Themistocles are completed.
  • 480 BCE
    Sack of Athens by the Persians under Xerxes. The Agora is destroyed.
  • Aug 480 BCE
    The indecisive battle of Artemision between the Greek and Persian fleets of Xerxes I. The Greeks withdraw to Salamis.
  • 479 BCE - 432 CE
    The period of Thucydides' Pentecontaetia in ancient Greece.
  • 479 BCE
    Xerxes' Persian forces are defeated by Greek forces at Plataea effectively ending Persia's imperial ambitions in Greece.
  • 478 BCE - 454 BCE
    The treasury of the Delian League is kept on Delos until its removal to Athens.
  • 478 BCE - 404 BCE
    The Delian League in Greece, led by Athens.
  • 476 BCE - 463 BCE
    Delian League operations are led by Athenian commander Cimon
  • c. 475 BCE
    Athenian general Cimon drives the Dolopian pirates out of the Aegean island of Scyros.
  • 475 BCE
    Cimon captures Eion in Thrace for Athens.
  • c. 471 BCE
    The general and statesman Themistocles is voted in an ostracism and exiled from Athens.
  • 470 BCE
    Statue group of Harmodius and Aristogiton in Athens.
  • c. 469 BCE - 399 BCE
    Life of Socrates.
  • c. 466 BCE
    Athenian general Cimon twice defeats the Persians at Eurymedon on the southern coast of Asia Minor.
  • c. 465 BCE
    Construction of the Long Walls fortifications joining Athens to the port of Piraeus are begun.
  • 465 BCE - 463 BCE
    Athenian general Cimon conquers Chersonesus in Thrace and the north-Aegean island of Thasos.
  • 462 BCE - 461 BCE
    Radicalisation of democracy in Athens; Cimon exiled, Pericles comes to exercise influence.
  • c. 462 BCE - 458 BCE
    Pericles introduces democratic institutions in Athens.
  • 461 BCE
    Cimon is voted in an ostracism in Athens and exiled from the city.
  • 461 BCE - 429 BCE
    Pericles is ruler of Athens.
  • c. 460 BCE - c. 320 CE
    Period of full and direct citizen democracy in Athens.
  • 460 BCE - 445 BCE
    First Peloponnesian War.
  • 460 BCE - 429 BCE
    The Age of Pericles. Athenian Agora is rebuilt, construction of Parthenon.
  • c. 460 BCE - 403 BCE
    Life of Critias, one of the Thirty Tyrants of Athens.
  • 457 BCE
    Sparta wins the battle of Tanagra during the 1st Peloponnesian War with Athens.
  • 457 BCE
    Hegemony of Athens over central Greece.
  • 454 BCE
    The Athenians move the treasury of the Delian League from Delos to Athens.
  • 453 BCE
    Pericles erects trophy at Nemea after Athenian victory over the Sikyonians.
  • c. 451 BCE - c. 403 CE
    Life of Athenian statesman and general Alcibiades.
  • 450 BCE
    Athenian general Cimon dies on Cyprus fighting the Persians.
  • 449 BCE
    The Hephaisteion, temple to Athena & Hephaistos, built in Athens.
  • 447 BCE - 432 BCE
    The construction of the Parthenon in Athens by the architects Iktinos and Kallikrates under the direction of Phidias.
  • 28 Jul 447 BCE
    Reconstruction and creation of the Acropolis of the Classical Period begins under Pericles' leadership.
  • 446 BCE
    The Middle Wall fortifications are added to the Long Walls which connect Athens and the port of Piraeus.
  • c. 443 BCE
    Thurii in Magna Graecia founded by Athenian settlers.
  • 438 BCE
    The cult statue of Athena Parthenos is dedicated in the Parthenon of Athens.
  • c. 437 BCE - 431 BCE
    The Propylaea is constructed on the Acropolis of Athens under the supervision of Mnesicles.
  • 433 BCE
    A naval battle between the victorious combined forces of Corcyra and Athens against Corinth.
  • 433 BCE
    Alliance between Athens and Corcyra.
  • 432 BCE
    Sparta declares that Athens has broken the Thirty Year Peace and prepares for war.
  • 431 BCE - 404 BCE
    The 2nd Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta (the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League) which involved all of Greece.
  • 431 BCE
    Athens invades Megara.
  • 431 BCE - 404 BCE
    The Peloponnesian Wars which leave Athens defeated and the Agora damaged.
  • 430 BCE - c. 354 BCE
    Life of Xenophon of Athens.
  • 430 BCE
    The plague decimates Athens.
  • c. 430 BCE - 415 BCE
    The Histories of Herodotus is published. The work is divided into nine chapters, each dedicated to one of the Muses.
  • 429 BCE
    Athens successfully campaigns in the Corinthian Gulf regions during the Peloponnesian War.
  • 429 BCE
    Following attacks by Sparta, fortifications at the port of Piraeus are extended to reduce the width of the harbour entrances.
  • 427 BCE - 347 BCE
    Life of Plato.
  • c. 425 BCE - c. 420 BCE
    The Temple dedicated to Athena Nike is constructed on the acropolis of Athens.
  • 425 BCE
    Pylos campaign, under Cleon and Demosthenes' command Athens defeats Sparta at Pylos.
  • 424 BCE
    The Athenian expeditions against Megara and Boeotia are a failure with a particularly heavy defeat near Delion.
  • 424 BCE
    A force of Athenian peltasts defeat Spartan hoplites on Sphaktria in the Peloponnese.
  • 422 BCE
    Spartan general Brasidas employs Myrkinian and Chalkidian peltasts to defeat a force of Athenian hoplites at Amphipolis.
  • 421 BCE - 406 BCE
    The Erechtheion of Athens acropolis is constructed with six Caryatids in the south porch.
  • c. 417 BCE
    In the last recorded ostracism the demagogue Hyperbolos is exiled from Athens.
  • 415 BCE - 413 BCE
    Athenian expedition to attack Syracuse.
  • c. 415 BCE
    Alcibiades persuades the Athenian assembly to send a military expedition to Sicily.
  • 414 BCE
    Athens constructs fortifications at Sounion.
  • 413 BCE
    On the advice of Alcibiades the Spartans take over the Athenian-held fort of Dekeleia.
  • 413 BCE
    The Athenian expedition in Sicily ends in disastrous defeat and the Athenian generals Nicias and Demosthenes are executed.
  • 411 BCE
    The oligarchy of the 400 take over the democracy in Athens and in a matter of months is replaced by an oligarchy of 5000.
  • 410 BCE
    Alcibiades leads the Athenian fleet to victory over Sparta at Cyzicus.
  • c. 407 BCE
    Alcibiades returns to Athens in triumph and is made strategos autokrater.
  • c. 407 BCE
    The Athenian fleet is defeated by Lysander of Sparta at Notium.
  • 405 BCE
    Athens grants Athenian citizenship to the population of Samos.
  • 404 BCE
    Spartan general Lysander attacks the Athenian port of Piraeus destroying parts of the Long Wall fortifications.
  • 404 BCE
    End of the Peloponnesian war, Athens defeated By Sparta at Aigospotamoi, Rule of the Thirty Tyrants in Athens.
  • 403 BCE
    Restoration of the democracy in Athens, death of the tyrant Critias.
  • c. 402 BCE - 318 BCE
    Life of Athenian statesman and general Phocion.
  • 395 BCE - 386 BCE
    The Corinthian Wars between Sparta and an alliance of Athens, Corinth, Argos, Boeotia and Thebes.
  • 390 BCE
    Athenian leader Iphikrates employs peltasts to defeat Spartan hoplites at Lechaion near Corinth.
  • 387 BCE
    Sparta attacks the Athenian port of Piraeus.
  • 384 BCE - 322 BCE
    Life of Aristotle.
  • c. 384 BCE - 322 CE
    Life of Athenian statesman Demosthenes.
  • 380 BCE
    Plato founds his Academy outside of Athens.
  • 366 BCE
    Athens regains control of Samos from Sparta.
  • 362 BCE
    Indecisive Battle of Matinea where Thebes fought against Sparta and Athens. Theban general Epaminondas is killed.
  • c. 354 BCE
    Xenophon dies at Corinth.
  • 338 BCE
    Philip of Macedonia defeats the Greek allied forces of Athens, Thebes and Corinth in the Battle of Chaironeia.
  • 2 Aug 338 BCE
    The Battle of Charonea gives Athens to the Macedonian victors. Agora takes on Macedonian characteristics.
  • 307 BCE
    Demetrius I frees Athens from the tyrant Demetrius of Phaleron.
  • 295 BCE
    Demetrius I campaigns in central Greece, removes the tyrant Lachares from Athens and defeats Sparta.
  • 166 BCE
    Rome puts Delos under the jurisdiction of Athens and makes the island a free port.
  • 166 BCE
    Rome gives dominion over the Cyclades to Athens.
  • 159 BCE - 138 BCE
    King Attalos II of Pergamon builds the great Stoa in the Agora of Athens.
  • 86 BCE
    The Roman general Sulla sacks Athens and the port of Piraeus.
  • 86 BCE
    Siege of Athens by the Roman general Sulla. Agora is destroyed.
  • 117 CE - 138 CE
    Rule of the Roman Emperor Hadrian who supports great building projects in and around the Agora of Athens.
  • 267 CE
    The Goths sack Athens, Corinth, Sparta, and Argos.
  • 267 CE
    Agora of Athens burned by invading Herulians.
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